Sunday, March 18, 2007

1943 Jul/Aug ...Doh! - Axis Move

The PBEM Gods have spoken. It's amazing but true that one little oversight can cause a major headache and send the greatest of plans into the toilet. Can I get an amen?

The photo was taken while still plotting moves. I ended up using the Finish troops to completely cut off Moscow. Surely the game was over...

Until I am informed by Marshall that I am missing 4 Russian regulars in Divina. ...runs back to check old emails (lots of them) and sure enough, they're there. Ugh.

Had I known that, my positioning during the light mud turn would have been different. As it stood I had to waste an extra SA to get into position to take it out. I had to burn all 4 SA's.

What's worse is my blunder 'o the game...On my board I moved an armor into Vologda as part of an SA in Divia. I figured this was legal because the armor was in range 2 spaces and is allowed to stop one space short of the SA space. Long story short, I failed to email this move or even mention it on the phone so "it never happened." - My bad, live and learn.

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